I have lots of stuff in my baking cupboard that just needs to get used up – partly because the man of the house can’t have sugar in his diet so I try not to use things that will tantalise... Continue reading →
The man of the house is a Kiwi and often hankers after foods from his childhood there. One such treat is apple shortbread slices. We don’t currently have any apples but I did have some pears that I forgot to... Continue reading →
It was my Mum’s birthday a few weeks ago and as we couldn’t all be together or go out to lunch as we normally would, I took her dinner up to her so that at least she didn’t have to... Continue reading →
Low carb lemon drizzle cake doesn’t sound either possible or tasty does it? Wrong! It’s so good! It’s made with besan flour, gram flour would work equally well – in fact some people tell me it’s the same thing (others... Continue reading →
The reason these are called “ultimate” is a nod to my inspiration which is a lovely chap called Pemba Lama, who wrote a fabulous cookery book called the Ultimate Nepalese Cookbook . I hadn’t looked at my copy for a... Continue reading →