Blackberry Egg Puffs

I’m just dusting off a bunch of my old recipes, which were around getting fruit and veg into fussy eaters and particularly addressing food neophobia.  I no longer have the computer on which most of these recipes were written up and although I have the recipes themselves, the photographs are in a corrupted file that for the time being I’m unable to access so I’m going to get inventive with pictures where I can!  I’d be super happy to receive any photos of your efforts in making any of my recipes and will happily post them here – not quite 15 minutes of fame but the best I can offer!

You could use any berry fruit in these and I generally used frozen berries rather than fresh because it was cheaper and they were being pureed so it didn’t matter.  I think blackberries do work out better than others and strawberries would be my least favourite as they seem to be far more watery.  Mixed berries are good too.

You could also change out the flour for whatever you have.  If you have oats but not oat flour, you can grind the oats into flour in a coffee grinder or good food processor.

I haven’t made these in a few years as I no longer have a small child to feed but they were always a very popular breakfast food here.  They do come out a bit blue in the middle.  I used to make my own apple sauce as a sweetener for these but if you don’t have any you could use either sugar or stevia in the blackberry puree.  I’m not sure how stevia would swap out for the sugar in the puffs themselves – I’m not sure if there is something in the sugar that is needed chemically to make them puff but I imagine erythritol would swap out well for that.  These were pre-low carb for me!



200g blackberries 

3 heaped tablespoons of homemade apple sauce

3 tablespoons oat flour 

2 tablespoons sugar

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

6 eggs


  • Preheat the oven to 200oC.
  • Blend the blackberries and apple sauce together until it is a smooth puree, then push the puree through a sieve using the back of a wooden spoon to get the pulp through if necessary. 
  • Discard the seeds
  • Fork together the sugar, baking powder and oat flour
  • Whisk the eggs and the blackberry puree together and then gradually whisk in the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined
  • Divide the batter into 6 buttered ramekins and place on a baking tray
  • Bake on the tray for 12 – 15 minutes when they should be puffed up with golden tops and a cocktail stick comes away clean
  • Best served warm with a few berries and a blob of yoghurt

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